- 原味海绵蛋糕,搭配香滑布丁与新鲜水果新式夹心,配上香浓巧克力,口感清新,回味无穷。
- Sponge cake, with a creamy pudding and a new sandwich with fresh fruit, chocolate, taste fresh, lead a person to endless aftertastes.
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- 黑色巧克力围成的原味海绵蛋糕,衬托丰富的水果装饰更加绚丽多彩,再配上香滑布丁,赏心悦目。
- Surrounded by black chocolate sponge cake, bring rich decorative fruit more blew with incense, pudding, be good to hear or see.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕,香滑布丁,配上香浓巧克力,醇香软滑,让人陶醉。
- Sponge cake, creamy pudding, served with chocolate, mellow and soft slippery, let a person be intoxicated.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕,香滑布丁与鲜味水果搭配的新式夹心,配上香浓巧克力,表层布满丰富的新鲜水果,口感绵软清爽。
- Sponge cake, sweet and delicious fruit pudding with new sandwich, with chocolate, surface covered with a wealth of fresh fruit, taste soft and refreshing.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕,香滑布丁与鲜味水果搭配的新式夹心,雪白的蛋糕,与新鲜饱满水果搭配,开启了一段与众不同的味蕾新体验。
- Sponge cake, sweet and delicious fruit pudding with new sandwich, white cake, and fresh fruit collocation, opened a new experience of out of the ordinary taste buds.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕,香滑布丁与鲜味水果搭配的新式夹心,表层布满丰富的新鲜水果,口感绵软清爽。
- Sponge cake, sweet and delicious fruit pudding with new sandwich, surface covered with a wealth of fresh fruit, taste soft and refreshing.
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