- 芝味十足是皇冠一款经典产品,厚厚的芝士,让喜欢吃芝士的朋友们能充分感受到芝士的味道及口感。
- Sesame flavor is the crown of a classic product, thick cheese, let love to eat cheese friends can fully enjoy the taste and texture of cheese.
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- 5.8元/盒
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- 一口酥产品口感香酥,配上花生粒,使其更添香色,口感会更加酥脆。
- One bite crisp taste with crisp, peanut, make it more Tim color, taste will be more crisp.
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- 7.8元/盒
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- 红豆餐包可以说是皇冠的经典产品了,也慢慢成为了武汉市民过早、午餐的一款必备食品了。
- Red Bean Bun can be said to be the crown of classic products, has gradually become the Wuhan people prematurely, lunch a necessary food.
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- 5.5元/袋
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- 有别于传统蛋糕的做法,别出心裁的使用黑糖烘烤出黑糖金杯产品,让你吃起来能有很特别的感觉。
- Different from the traditional practice of cake, create new styles of the use of brown sugar brown sugar cup of baking products, let you eat can have a very special feeling.
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- 3.8元/盒
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- 顾名思义超级手撕包,相比传统手撕包来说他的体积重量用超级来形容有过只而无不及,面包的表皮烤得酥酥的略有起皮,美味而不失分量。
- As the name implies a hand bag, compared with the traditional hand bag, his weight with super to describe had only no bread, baked crisp skin slightly from the skin, delicious and not lose weight.
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- 11元/个
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- 很喜欢香酥黄金球,酥酥的口感,表层的白芝麻通过油炸后充分散发出香味,颜色呈金黄色有裂开的缝隙,让人食欲大开。
- Like the crispy golden ball, crisp texture, surface white sesame through frying distribute a full flavor, color is golden yellow with dehiscence of the slot, make a big appetite.
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- 2.5元/袋
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- 皇冠蛋糕的小叮当产品源之于铜锣烧,只是比普通的铜锣烧更加大,里面的红豆馅料更加的多。
- crown cake Tinker Bell products originated in Dorayaki, just more than ordinary Dorayaki, inside the red bean stuffing more.
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- 2.5元/个
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- 第一眼看到牛奶清蒸蛋糕,就给人和其他蛋糕不一样的感觉,吃起来的口感也和其他的蛋糕有着截然不同的口感。
- First eye see milk steamed cake, give the person and other cake doesn't feel the same way, eat up taste and other cake has a distinct taste.
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- 3.8元/个
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- 奶油核桃有着浓郁的奶油香味,又不失单调其中加入了碎碎的核桃粒,也是皇冠蛋糕比较畅销的一款单品。
- Walnut cream has a rich creamy flavour, yet monotone which join the ends of walnut kernel, and the imperial crown cake comparison of selling a single product.
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- 4.0元/袋
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- 软软QQ的蛋糕,配上夹心肉松味道有点咸咸的,有点甜甜的恰到好处,蛋糕表面呈金黄色,加以绿色香葱点缀让人更有食欲。
- Soft QQ cake, with sandwich meat tasted a bit salty, a little sweet be just perfect, the surface of the cake is golden yellow, to green onion with more people have the appetite.
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- 5.8元/个
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