- 原味海绵蛋糕搭配香滑布丁,表层布满新鲜草莓,口感清新,回味无穷。
- Sponge cake with creamy pudding, surface covered with fresh strawberry, taste fresh, lead a person to endless aftertastes.
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- 海绵蛋糕搭配香滑布丁,一半抹茶一半奶油上点缀开心果、杏仁、核桃,口味醇正自然,丝滑清新,给您前所未有的全新体会。
- Sponge cake with creamy pudding, half Maccha half cream with pistachio, almond, walnut, taste Chunzheng natural, silky and fresh, give you a new experience of hitherto unknown.
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- 愿爱情乘着朝霞的翅膀,今天带你划过一个半圆,明天它将成为一个满圆。
- May the glow of love on the wing, today take you across a semicircle, tomorrow it will be a Man Yuan.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕,新鲜饱满的水果与巧克力搭配,婀娜多姿,漫天飞舞。
- Sponge cake, fresh fruit and chocolate, very pretty and charming, flying all over the sky.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕,搭配香滑布丁,醇香软滑,让人陶醉。
- Sponge cake, with a creamy pudding, mellow and soft slippery, let a person be intoxicated.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕搭配香滑布丁,配上多种混合水果,丰富而爽口。
- Sponge cake with creamy pudding, coupled with a variety of mixed fruit, rich and tasty.
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- 浓郁纯正的奶油与爽口的布丁,浓郁的巧克力弥漫口味,口感细腻,再配上丰富的水果,口感十足,味道令人回味。
- Rich pure cream and tasty pudding, rich chocolate diffuse taste, delicate texture, with rich fruit, flavorful taste, aftertaste.
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- 香草海绵蛋糕搭配水果夹心,蛋糕外体铺满果仁粒,十年的光阴,拥有快乐的金色童年。
- Vanilla sponge cake with fruit filling, the cake body covered with nuts, grains, ten years time, have a happy golden childhood.
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- 香草海绵蛋糕搭配水果夹心,蛋糕外体铺满果仁粒,周岁是人生中的第一个生日,祝每个小天使拥有纯真可爱的快乐童年。
- Vanilla sponge cake with fruit sandwich cake with nuts, and grain, one is the life's first birthday, I wish every angel has a lovely happy childhood.
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- 原味海绵蛋糕搭配香滑布丁,色彩缤纷的新鲜水果装饰,让人看了都想品尝一下。
- Sponge cake with creamy pudding, fresh fruit decoration, let a person look like taste.
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