- 蔓心多罗:芝士和蔓越苗,酸甜溶在一起,好吃而不腻。
- The heart of Enlightenment: cheese and cranberry seedling, sweet and Sour mix together, tasty but not greasy.
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- 来自韩国的美味,Q性好,有嚼劲,入口有淡淡的甜味,最后还能尝到一点咸味,感觉有点像韩国打糕的感觉!
- From South Korea's delicious, Q good, chewy, entrance with a touch of sweetness, the last also tasted a bit salty, feeling a bit like a Korean rice cake feeling!
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- 吃惯了松软面包的,偶尔尝试下金牛角吧,很不错的一款面包的,值得推荐哦。油而不腻,香酥有嚼劲且回味有余,不容错过的选择。
- Used to eat the bread, and occasionally tried under the golden horn, it is a good bread, worthy of recommendation.
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- 2012年皇冠蛋糕上市两款儿童节蛋糕“红当当太狼”、“小美甜心”。
- 2012 crown cake listed two children's Day cake" red when the wolf"," little sweetie".
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- 黄金乳酪—浓郁的奶香和芝士经过精心调制和烘烤,有着抵挡不住的诱惑!
- Cheese - rich milk and cheese carefully modulated and baking, a resist temptation!
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- 蒜香烤片—金黄酥脆的烤片每时每刻都散发出幽幽的蒜香,健康营养双给力。
- Garlic baked film - Golden crisp roast all exudes a faint garlic, health nutrition double awesome.
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- 至真母爱—浓香巧克力慕斯口感清爽而绵密,更添加风味绝佳的核桃果仁,让健康与美味表达对妈妈的爱!
- To really love - chocolate love, refreshing taste and creamy, add more flavor excellent walnut kernels, healthy and delicious expression of love for mother!
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- 68元/350克(12*12cm方形)、128元/600克(16*16cm方形)
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- LOVE MOM—严选进口鲜奶油及新鲜芒果果酱调制成香浓的芒果慕斯镶上香气十足的开心果仁,是献给妈妈的开心美妙滋味!
- LOVE MOM - strictly selected imports of whipped cream and fresh mango jam made with mango Mu Si with fragrance of pistachio, is dedicated to the mother of the happy taste!
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- 68元/350克(12*12cm方形)、128元/600克(16*16cm方形)
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- 妈妈的爱—清新微酸的覆盆子泥融合在爽口慕斯中再搭配杏仁香脆口感的巧妙组合,每一口都是幸福的好滋味!
- A mother's love, and slightly Sour Raspberry fusion in refreshing Mu Si again with almond crisp texture clever combination, every one is happy taste!
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- 68元/350克(12*12cm方形)、128元/600克(16*16cm方形)
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- 法式香蒜—法国面包片与香蒜的亲密结合,酥、香、脆,一咬满口香,随时享用,方便爽口。
- French garlic - French bread with garlic intimate bond, crisp, incense, crisp, a bit full mouth, ready to enjoy convenient, tasty and refreshing.
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