- 皇冠中秋礼盒上市,订购热线:027-83317889 400-8822-186
- The crown of the Mid-Autumn Festival gift box listed, order hotline: 027-83317889 400-8822-186
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- 皇冠中秋礼盒上市,订购热线:027-83317889 400-8822-186
- The crown of the Mid-Autumn Festival gift box listed, order hotline: 027-83317889 400-8822-186
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- 情谊弥漫,口味依旧纯正。愉悦是当轻风轻抚明月,把幽静神秘的光辉洒向万家灯火。
- Friendship is diffuse, still taste pure. Happiness is when the wind to touch the moon, quiet and mysterious light Saxiang lamps and candles of a myriad families.
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- 请到门店购买
- 皇冠中秋礼盒上市,订购热线:027-83317889 400-8822-186
- The crown of the Mid-Autumn Festival gift box listed, order hotline: 027-83317889 400-8822-186
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- 请到门店购买
- 皇冠中秋礼盒上市,订购热线:027-83317889 400-8822-186
- The crown of the Mid-Autumn Festival gift box listed, order hotline: 027-83317889 400-8822-186
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- 法式香蒜—法国面包片与香蒜的亲密结合,酥、香、脆,一咬满口香,随时享用,方便爽口。
- French garlic - French bread with garlic intimate bond, crisp, incense, crisp, a bit full mouth, ready to enjoy convenient, tasty and refreshing.
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- 奶霜蛋糕—此款蛋糕组织细密绵软奶香味十足,滑而不腻的夹心奶油吃起来回味有余。
- Cream cake, cake this fine microstructure soft milk fragrance, smooth but not greasy cream sandwich tastes with more than.
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- 蔬菜、培根和各种调料的完美搭配,吃一口就爱上它了。
- Vegetables and spices, Bacon the perfect collocation, eat a fell in love with it.
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- 小小的脆皮肠披上孜然的香味,再串上丹麦片,好吃又方便。
- A little crispy sausage with cumin flavor, connected serially in Denmark, delicious and convenient.
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- 蔓心多罗:芝士和蔓越苗,酸甜溶在一起,好吃而不腻。
- The heart of Enlightenment: cheese and cranberry seedling, sweet and Sour mix together, tasty but not greasy.
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